The WIL 2010 Christmas parties

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On December 23 we had our annual Christmas parties. There were two for kids and one for adults.

The first party started in the morning at the Kumamoto City International Center. This party was for younger children.

We had songs and games, we made Christmas cookies and we watched a skit. And Santa visited too!


The afternoon party was for older children, and was a lot of fun. We had more games in this party, and Santa came in the afternoon again! And we saw a skit again.

But the afternoon party had a special teacher — Yoshie-sensei. She came to the party to show us how to make mascots for our phones or bookbags. And they were very cute!


The last party was for adults, and started late in the evening. This party was at Buenos Aires restaurant, near Tsutaya. The food was excellent, and Ms. Tsubokuta was a wonderful pianist.


The surprise entertainment was from a small part of a famous pop music group. They sounded like AKB48, but there were not 48 of them. …

The last event of the night was a raffle, and everyone got a prize — but some prizes were bigger than others!


It was a long day, but it was a lot of fun. We hope you enjoyed it too. See you at the party next year!

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
